Patchy Pack

Patchy Pack [Alpha] is a set of command line tools for anything from port scanning to web shell generation. Patchy Pack is far from finished with many more updates, features, and bug fixes on the way.

Hash Cracker

Usage and Info

$ patchyhash -h

usage: [-h] [-ht HASH_TYPE] [-s SALT] [-va] [-v]
                          hash_path dict_path

positional arguments:
  hash_path             Path to password hash file
  dict_path             Path to password dictionary file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -ht HASH_TYPE, --hash_type HASH_TYPE
                        specify hash type
  -va, --viewall        View all passwords and hashes being compared. usage
                        example: --viewall Y
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit